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Years of Planning Ahead.

Updated: 4 days ago

I p;anned on writing books from my high school years. I started writing letters to friends and family and keeping carbon copies of these letters to use as a basis for future characters. The Sense books--THE SENSE OF IT, SOME SENSE OF IT, MAKING SENSE OF IT, AND STILL MAKING SENSE OF IT inclusde some of these letters. It took me years to be able to use these. I began plannind THE SENSE OF IT IN COLLEGE, I finished the book 30 years latter.

My days after college included an internship with The United Nations Children's Fund, going an a wilderness backpacking trip, experiences of being part of The Dubuque Writers Guild, Catholic Worker Community, teaching jobs in many different communities, getting married and living on three different farms before buying one, raising children in many ways, adopting a foreign born child, fostering children for six years, and raising biological children. When these children were off living thier adult lives, I went back to writing. I waited a long time to publish any books, but I spent many years gathering experiences, maturing, and then, after my children were adults, I began my dream of writing books.

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